Don’t Run from the Fight
The Freedom Framework for Men’s Power and Purpose
by Eric Freedom
It's time to stop running and win the fight of your life.
More than ever, it is critical for men to understand who they are and decide who they will become. Don’t Run from the Fight coaches young men to do exactly that.
With unflinching authenticity, Eric invites readers into his own story of becoming a champion over his past, reconciling wounds with his father, and building his dream. As a son, husband, father, founder, and coach of over fifteen years, his five-step Freedom Framework helps men:
Stop wasting energy on the wrong battles
Break cycles of trauma and dysfunction
Develop language for what’s holding you back
Overcome the spiral of anger, fear, and self-doubt
Develop courage, focus, and an action plan for victory
If you’re ready to face the fight for the man you’re meant to be, Eric is in your corner.
Author Eric Freedom
Eric Freedom (Chang) was born and raised in Southern California. Eric is a coach turned author passionate about helping men find purpose in today’s confusing and challenging world. While he attended Biola University to study Kinesiology, Eric started his coaching practice out of his garage. After graduating, he struggled in his search for purpose. This resulted in launching his first business, CrossFit Reason, in 2012, which has since grown into a familial community committed to pursuing deep health together. Eric is now a coach, entrepreneur, author, husband, and father of three. He also hosts a podcast, Finding Reason, and is co-founder of a men’s community, We the Trust. His faith guides his passion—to help others find their purpose, challenging them to steward their minds, bodies, and spirits well. He lives with his wife and three children in Temple City, California. To learn more and connect with Eric, visit www.ericfreedom.com.