Mike Reynolds
Mike Reynolds writes fictionally about what he knows, where he’s lived, and what he’s experienced with an ease that comes with familiarity. Born in the small town of Bainbridge, Georgia—which is just over the Florida Panhandle line where Georgia and Florida come together—and raised in Florida, Mike’s blue collar upbringing exposed him to a lot of hard working honest people, but also to the seedier side of life there. He grew up in a violent and abusive home, and one in which alcoholism played a major role in day-to-day life. But Mike was able to break free of the abusive cycle and become a successful business owner and entrepreneur.
As the child of an Air Force flight instructor, Mike’s family moved around a lot, creating even more fodder for his stories. He served in the Navy for six years, married young and had three daughters, but the marriage ended in divorce. Later, marrying a woman with three sons, Mike’s family kept him busy.
Mike worked in the mortgage industry for 40 years, eventually opening his own mortgage company, which he ran for 10 years and employed scores of people. He finds it humorous that it
was in his position in that company where his talent for writing was honed. He had always been a good storyteller—people invited him to dinner parties because they wanted to hear his stories—but writing daily to weekly inspirational memos to his many employees garnered a lot of positive response. This added to his confidence. Mike retired in 2016 and began writing in earnest.
Now enjoying retirement, when Mike’s not writing, he’s spending time with his six kids and sixteen grandchildren. Having been in a Christian rock band for many years, he still plays guitar and is teaching himself to play the blues. He and his beloved Annette enjoy their many friends in the beautiful hamlet of Glendora, California.

Darkness Dwells in Dixie
Set in the late 1950’s and 1960’s this story takes the reader on a deeply emotional journey, from the Okefenokee Swamp to the crystal-clear waters of the Florida Keys. Told with deep feeling, pain, and humor, Reynolds tells the story of Mickey, his brother Harley, and mother, Dixie Mae McCarthy, as they navigate their way through the trauma that is their childhood. Dixie Mae’ destructive, on-again- offagain relationship with their father, Charlie Crow, provides a mother lode of lies, deceits, and dark secrets that weave the tapestry of their lives. This story will make you laugh while simultaneously breaking your heart, when you witness the truth as it dawns from the darkness that dwells in dixie.